Jumat, 20 September 2019

unforgettable bad experience

D IV Teknik Infrastruktur Sipil dan Perancangan Arsitektur 19
Universitas Diponegoro

Student : 
1. Fajar Kurniawan (40030519650015)
2. Alif Nur Rizqi (40030519650103)
3. Yitzak Kamya L. (40030519650125)
Lecturer : Anjar Setiawan, S.Pd., M.Pd

Scar On My Head

by Fajar Kurniawan (015)

When I was 5 years old, something happened with my head. The incident happened in afternoon before I went to mosque. I was a santri and I had to go there hurriedly. My mother told me that the incident began when I went to bathroom. First, I was woken up by my mother when ashar adzan was beginning. I just slept in a moment so I shocked and I afraid if I late to go. I didn’t know why I had to run to the bathroom. The bathroom floor was slick and I lost my balance, so I fell and my head hit a sharp side of the floor. I cried and my mother brought me to the nearest clinic in my region. She scolded me and advised me that I must more be careful in all times. My head was given a bandage by doctor, and he gave me some medicines. After that, my friend visited me with their mother to check my conditions. It is my unforgettable thing and I will make it a valuable experience in my life.

Fell From Bicycle

by Alif Nur Rizqi (103)

When I was 7 years old, I have a unforgettable experience. It was a very sunny day. My father taught me to ride bicycle around the village. He was very patient to give me directions. I was very happy when I realized my ability to ride the bicycle. One day, I tried to ride my bicycle alone. Something happened here. I passed a slippery road. I became nervous and finally I fell into gutter and my head hit the stone there. After that, I told my father about the accident. I imagined my father would be angry and never let me to ride bicycle again. But, he just laughed and advised me that I must be careful. Finally, I can ride the bicycle and I got he’s permission to ride it everywhere. I can not forget this experience.

Fell From Motorcycle
by Yitzak Kamya Leiwakabessy (125)

When I was in senior high school, I have bad experience about riding a motorcycle. Someday, I went to my friend’s house, his name is Audi. I went to his house in evening with my motorcycle. We watched movie, played games together and cooked BBQ. It was so fun and became our favorite things to do. We spent our time and we was enjoying it until midnight. After that, I had to go back to my home. I rode my motorcycle, and left his house. When I rode my motorcycle to back home, and then I through street food corner was very crowded. I lost my focus because of the crowded. Then I continued riding, and I didn’t see gravel on the road. Immediately I pull my brake handle, then my motorcycle was slip and I crash not far from the street food corner. The crowded immediately saw at me, then I wake up and I checked my body and also my motorcycle. Then, I got my motorcycle and rode it again to back home.

2 komentar:

  1. From :
    Kiki Nurhayati
    Nanda Maulida putri
    D3 administrasi pajak

    Judul cerita : Fell from motorcycle
    Ada beberapa kesalahan seperti :
    1. Tobe pada kalimat tersebut seharusnya "we were enjoying it.." bukan "we was"
    2. Kurang menarik karena tidak ada klimaks cerita
    3. Seharusnya lebih menekankan pada peristiwa jatuhnya serta keadaan setelah peristiwa tersebut.
    Tetep semangat:)
